Short film about homelessness: The Keys
The Keys is a film about the impact a home can have on the treatment of a person's addictions.
The subject is dealt with from the viewpoint of four people, Salme, Risto, Markku and Tuuli. Salme works as a deacon at the Musta Lammas day centre, which is run by the church of Tampere. Salme has helped both Risto and Markku get apartments of their own, and tries to make sure they keep their homes by helping them with the everyday housekeeping.
Tuuli has been living on the streets and in different kinds of institutions for the past 20 years. Six months ago she received an apartment of her own, and hasn't been drinking since. Living in a home has given Tuuli the chance for a life of her own, but it has also brought new challenges along.
The people in the film have different stories to tell, but the message is the same: nothing beats having your own home.
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Directed by: Tuomas Kolehmainen
Team: Petteri Harju, Tuomas Kolehmainen and Salla Paalanen
Music by: Jarno Kovamäki
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, The Degree Programme in Film and Television 2011